Thursday, October 22, 2009

Follow up from Follow Up

Things are going great. I've had terrific results at physio with my arm and the swelling, (or lack there of). Now my program is wearing the glove* every day, and the sleeve two days on, one day off. Today is an off day and it feels really good. Measurements are all in line with what they should be, now the goal is to KEEP it this way. Moving and lifting and generally being more physically active has made the difference.
New tests are showing that moderate exercise with weights is a positive for lymphedema patients. Moving and unpacking boxes falls into that catagory. So does Longarm Quilting. Standing with my arms at bust height, pushing and pulling and dragging the machine in all directions also counts as exercise. I need to exercise more!
This weekend has one chore on the job list. Sort and organize my fabric. I'm hoping to have that done before bedtime on Sunday. And the cable guy will arrive Sat morning and I'll be back to the land of the telephone/internet/cable.
Have a great weekend,
* I want to cover it with rhinestones and sell it on ebay when I'm done with it!

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