Thursday, September 23, 2010

60 Miles in 3 Days

My friend Betsy S. has headed to Seattle today. She's committed to walking 60 miles in 3 days. She will sleep in a tent on a bed roll, she's trained for this event for months. There was a send off last night, organized by her biggest fan, her hubby, Chris.
Before I left I gave her a huge hug, told her how proud I was of her and I fought back the tears. She's walking for her Mom, who will be looking down at her and Betsy will hear her mom's voice when she crosses the finish line on Sunday. I'm so proud of Betsy, this isn't for everyone. Did I mention how proud I am to call her my friend. She's amazing.
We hit the minimum goal for fund raising, but there may be some surprises by the time we turn in all the funds. We've been working hard with a quilt and we have a few more venues to visit before the big drawing.
I'm cheering you on from my little corner of the world,
Go Betsy, Go


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