Monday, May 18, 2009

Siesta Fiesta

Wow, I've been napping every afternoon since Thursday, but today was exceptional! Ryan picked me up and we went to the office for Randy's Bday lunch. After having delicious Chinese food, I came home, put on my pj's and went to bed. My siesta lasted all afternoon. Watched the hockey game, made a sandwich and fed the 4 legged kids, and hit the couch again. Then I bundled up and headed out in the rain with Annie, pj's and all. Oh well, so what if I'm the crazy lady with her dog and pajamas in the alley! I was comfy and warm.
Big day tomorrow, I'll get both my results back in the afternoon. Positive thoughts, as I am well into the healing process, I don't want to go back to surgery town. Visited, got released and I'm back on the highway.

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